
Mosquito Control

Our warm and humid South Carolina climate provides an ideal habitat for the pest that ruins outdoor enjoyment the most -- the extremely annoying and potentially dangerous mosquito. They are known carriers and transmitters of the West Nile and Zika viruses in North America.  Although we do not often see Malaria in the United States, the wide varieties of diseases caused by the mosquito have made this pest the undisputed most dangerous insect in the world.

At a minimum, they quickly make outside gatherings completely unenjoyable when they sense a human blood meal is available. The everyday agony they cause through the itching and rashes their painful bites cause is unfortunately familiar. They are constantly in search of mammal and bird victims and are especially attracted to humans. They sense the carbon dioxide we exhale and the sweat we produce in warm weather and quickly smell out foods or sweet drinks we enjoy. If you are blood type O, studies show that mosquitoes will land on you more frequently than other blood types.

When you are bitten, a protein mix called anophelins is injected into your blood making it flow easier. Scientists have found a way to enhance this blood thinner so it can break up blood clots in mice. There is hope that a derivative can be found that works for humans. This would add a new weapon to the arsenal in treating and preventing deadly blood clots in humankind.

Mosquitoes are constantly searching for standing water or moist soil where they can lay their eggs. Their eggs can hatch into larvae in less than a week, and if rains produce pooled water, it won’t be long until adults have left their pupal stages and start searching for blood. Adult females require blood to produce the huge numbers of eggs they lay, which begins their life cycle again.


Traditional mosquito control has been limited to constantly applying repellents and hoping for the best. We now make professional yard treatments available that work toward keeping these menacing bloodsuckers away from your property before they begin to become a dangerous nuisance. Pets and people only need to avoid the treated areas for about a half-hour after application, and normal washing of garden produce removes residue.

In appropriate settings, we can also install and maintain outdoor misting systems. These systems make a timed release of environmentally responsible and effective pesticides that repel and kill adult mosquitoes that make their way onto your property. These systems require professional installation and maintenance to ensure proper compliance with environmental regulations, and we can advise you on the best options for your particular situation.

We inspect your property thoroughly in order to advise you about other exclusionary and control methods. It is vital that screens are intact and provide full coverage for windows, doors, and screened outdoor spaces to keep aggressive mosquitoes out. We also inspect for sources of standing water or excess moisture that they seek for laying eggs. Even small amounts of water can provide breeding space for large populations. For properties that have permanent standing water ponds or lakes, we can recommend larvicides that work to kill eggs before they hatch into feeding larvae.

Superior Pest Solutions is your first choice in the Greenville area for professional mosquito control. We have over 20 years’ experience as a locally owned and operated company that places complete customer service and satisfaction at the center of our daily mission. We provide a personalized pest control solution tailored to your needs and your budget. Make us your trusted partner for total pest control by contacting us today for a free estimate.

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